
Flutter provider http request
Flutter provider http request

To keep the tutorial focussed on the architecture only I have setup a starting project in the tutorials repo under 010. The model just calls the function and passes values to it. Authentication service will use the Api to get the user details and track it. The model will just call the function to do that. Api class will request and serialize data.

  • Dedicated Services(Just normal objects, to not confuse beginners) will perform all the actual work.
  • Models will ONLY request data from Services and reduce state from that DATA.
  • Providers and services will be injected using get_it.
  • Providers will NOT be passed in through app level global provider, unless it's required by more than 1 view in the app architecture (Users information).
  • This way the main view only paints when the main view state changes. Any other piece of UI contained in a view, that requires logic and state / UI updates will have it's own model associated with it.
  • Notify listeners for a view will ONLY BE CALLED when the View's state changes.
  • Each view will have it's own model that extends the ChangeNotifier.
  • Note: I will not be adding a toolbar, so iOS developers you can swipe from left to right on the screen to go back. Very basic but it covers everyting required to build out an architecture that shows you the way. Fetch and show the Posts on the home view and show post details with an additional fetch to show the comments. We'll communicate with the JSONPlaceholder API, get a User profile from the login using the ID entered.

    flutter provider http request

    Let's look at the app we're building so we can have some context. This guide will have a very similar setup to my ScopedModel Guide. Even for large or massive apps (given you follow some coding guidelines). I've implemented apps in Redux, BLoC and ScopedModel and I still consider ScopedModel the most practical and straight forward approach to build apps in Flutter.


    In this guide I will show you a code structure, naming conventions, where to place files, how to keep things well organised and easy to maintain using the Provider package. Having built a few mobile apps with various technologies, I've found that certain principles will and should be present no matter what architecture or state management solution you choose. Flutter architecture around state management has been a discarded topic.

    Flutter provider http request